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Great concept. Graphics aside, I can potentially see it to be quite promising. Here are some of my suggestions:

  • Tweaking difficulty. As the other guys stated, zed spawn rate doesn't mesh well with income rate.
  • Reorientable barricades, at the very least, barricades can be aimed at other direction.
  • Sellable barricades. As defenses evolved, I hope some barricades can be sold but can only be used next turn in the form of bonus of income rate at their fixed price.
  • As for survivors not deployed to barricades, I hope they have some means of self defense even if its just weak melee.
  • Upgradeable defenses. From weak sandbags to something with sturdy construction like gabions or sangar made of rocks or demolished concrete. And oh, spikes that can damage Zeds upon contact with said barricade.
  • Defenses that slows down movement or corrals them. Berms and trenches that penalized their movement. Great for buying time.
  • Materials that barricade can be made of. Do you know Ancient and Medieval(Byzantine) Romans makes perimeter walls on their temporary forts made out of earthen berms and complimented by spikes? Potentially climbable but needs agile enemies to jump or carefully navigate around spikes. While getting shot at. So it works and its...dirt cheap. Perhaps they can be offset hear by cheap but labour intensive.
  • Health system
    • I'm thinking of recovery system. Separate from battle and build phase. In battle, they can only recover a bit of health. In build phase, it will depend if they have medical facilities or trained medic in their ranks. So by default, its 15% to 25% per build phases.
    • Same thing can be added to barricades. Minor health recovery can be done by quick repair(for obvious reasons)
  • Some other suggestion that can only be done in later part of development:
    • Melee system + Inventory. Survivors can pack melee weaponry to defend themselves. They can use random cudgel or improvised axes or spears. Maybe even shields if they are meant to act as choke point.

That's all I got for now. I'm looking forward to next update.

I'm happy your interested, and thanks for the feedback. I hope to start development on the full version fairly soon (i'll make a devlog when i do). Difficulty tuning will definitely be a major focus, as well as a wider variety of defences. And i had plenty of ideas and plans that i had to cut for the sake of time with this version, so i'm looking forward to working on the full one

(2 edits) (+1)

Game difficulty is definitely needing tweaks. The way the zombies spawn vs the ability to make money to build makes creating a viable defense very difficult.


Thanks for playing, I do plan to work on this and create a more complete version after after the game jam it was made for is over, so the feedback is very much appreciated